Friday, January 25, 2008

We want action (2)!

Getting back to Sandra with her desire to write a book but not taking the time to actually do it (see post: We want action!), after her coaching session she went through a pattern of emotions: she felt vulnerable by sharing her thoughts and fears about being judged, she got angry with herself about not finishing her book, she went through a stage of realisation and in the end was quite grateful for going through this process. And that all within 1 week time.

Your coach has a range of power tools available that she can use to get you into action. Some examples:
  • Showing you that you are Responding vs Reacting. When you are reacting on a situation you are in a passive mode, and not taking responsibility for your actions. Whereas you are responding in a situation you are in control, even reframing perhaps and willing to create action. An example: your manager gives you the role of project manager of a specific project, but you have to meet almost impossible deadlines. A rushed feeling can be a reaction to this situation, as well as acceptance and trying to get all the work done in time, although you know that you have to work long hours and stretch yourself and your project team. A response can be that you go to your manager and discuss with him his project management methods and setting these tight deadlines, which make it very difficult for you to operate as a project manager.

  • Goal setting can move people into action but also stop them. How often do you set goals but don't get into action? The goals must be realistic and achievable and you still will need some structures in place to get there.

  • Very powerful to get people into action is to show them that you believe in their capabilities and that you value what they do. How have you felt when others have encouraged you to take action when you doubted your strength, or ability in a specific area? I bet you felt very strong, valued and got heaps of motivation to start that specific activity.

  • Focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses will support you and make you think positive about your abilities. Thinking of my own personal strengths gives me the following top 10 (which people may add to :-)) and contributes to the motivation of achieving one of my goals for this year to set up my coaching business:
  1. determined
  2. focused
  3. patient
  4. innovative
  5. action-oriented
  6. positive
  7. creative
  8. analytical
  9. organised
  10. mood-sensitive
  • And furthermore: to get into action you need a strong support team to engage with to support you in achieving your goals!

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