Monday, April 7, 2008

Respect vs Invalidation

Show respect for others, don't judge. How? To listen actively and by giving people space.
For ourself setting boundaries is important; we have to teach people how to treat us. How they treat us comes from how we respect ourselves. We need to create strong boundaries so that we can communicate to other people clearly. If someone does something to you and you don't like it, it is up to you to communicate this to them. When you start strengthening your boundaries, some people in your life may remove themselves out of your life. It is ok to lose unsupportive relationships!

Selfcare can support selfrespect. Standards are levels of behaviour we choose for ourselves. Standards to create respect are for example:
  • be always on time
  • practice honesty
  • exercise every day
  • boundaries in relationships.
As a coach, it is important to show respect to the client all the time.

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